在挪威的阿伦达尔布吕根建筑 — 图库照片

在挪威的阿伦达尔布吕根建筑 — 图库社论摄影

阿伦达尔,澳大和阿格德挪威 - 2015年2月。挪威阿伦达尔著名的布莱根街,有木制彩色房屋

 — 照片作者 mariuszks


挪威克拉杰罗 - 2015年4月8日:停泊在码头的船只。海滨古老的五颜六色的木制建筑。克拉杰罗市在特莱马克地区。早春.
在江边的老多彩木屋. — 图库照片
The buildings on the banks of the fjord. Colored and white houses port. Red roofs of old wooden houses. The distinctive buildings. On the island harbor area and summer houses. The old port on the fjord. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of south
峡湾两岸的建筑物 — 图库照片
Colorful wooden buildings, small boat moored. Small waterfront town. North Sea Coast. Norwegian autumn. Telemark region of Norway
多彩的木制建筑物,在峡湾 — 图库照片
克拉格罗,挪威 - 2015年4月5日:木制、白色和彩色箱在海岸峡湾。停泊在码头的船。早春阳光明媚的一天.
峡湾海岸历史建筑物 — 图库照片
色彩缤纷的房子,在岩石上 — 图库照片
Colored and white houses port. Red roofs of old wooden houses. The distinctive buildings. On the island harbor area and summer houses. The old port on the fjord. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of southeastern Norway. Skagerrak coast.
彩色和白色房子端口 — 图库照片
在挪威海岸的钓鱼湾 Bamble,挪威-2015 年 4 月 3 日︰ 木制建筑物
在海岸的多彩建筑 — 图库照片
Wooden buildings shops and restaurants along the shore. A small motorboats near. Cruise Ship Terminal on the fjord, characteristic buildings. Winter scenery. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of southeastern Norway. Skagerrak coast.
木制建筑商店和餐馆 — 图库照片
Houses on a rocky cliff. Over the water of the fjord. Retro version, HDR. During sunset. North Sea Coast. Norwegian winter. Risor, Aust-Agder region of Ostlandet. Eastern Norway.
在岩石峭壁上的房子 — 图库照片
Bamble,挪威-2015 年 4 月 3 日︰ 多彩建筑在海岸上。传统的格陵兰的区域
下面的挪威港口城市 — 图库照片
Port quays empty in winter. In the background, the Norwegian port characteristic buildings. Rocky island with buildings. Boats on the water. Winter scenery. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of southeastern Norway. Skagerrak coast.
港口码头空在冬天 — 图库照片
拉尔维克,挪威-2015 年 4 月 5 日︰ 挪威木船,传统建筑。峡湾-Larviksfjorden 的名称。在挪威西福尔县镇.
在春天,挪威拉尔维克港 — 图库照片
克拉杰罗,电话挪威 - 2015年2月。五颜六色的,红色和绿色的车库为船。在背景中,一条木屋的街道。挪威传统的白色木屋。挪威早春
木制车库的船,挪威 — 图库照片
Port quays of moored boats secured winter. In the background, the Norwegian port characteristic buildings. Rocky island with buildings. Boats on the water. Winter scenery. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of southeastern Norway. Skagerrak coast
停泊的船只有担保冬天的端口 quays — 图库照片
白色别墅上峡湾 — 图库照片
Floating quays on the fjord. Boats moored next winter secured. In the background, the Norwegian port characteristic buildings. Rocky island with buildings. Boats on the water. Winter scenery. Kragero, Telemark municipality. Region of southeastern Nor
船系泊明年冬天担保 — 图库照片


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