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Free Stock Photos


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Free Vector Images


Discover vectors and various graphic elements for your projects.

Free Editorial Files


Get exclusive editorial files to illustrate news and stories.

Free Stock Videos


Enjoy thematic HD and 4K videos.

How to download free images

Select free high-resolution images

All you need to do is sign up, pick a file, and download it. Select one of our plans to download files outside of the Free Files collection.

Image attribution is required

You need to add attribution for files from the free image collection. By clicking on any free file, you can find tips on attributing it online or offline.

Advanced search and filters

Type a keyword into the Free File search bar and enjoy the results. Apply advanced filters (portraiture, orientation, and more) to save time.

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Free Images FAQ

What images can I use for free?
Images from the Free Files collection are all free to use for personal and business goals. To find free images or other files, limit your search to them with the main search bar on Depositphotos (select “Free” in the drop down menu before the keyword field), or go directly to the Free File search. Then, apply advanced filters from the menu on the left to save time.
How do I know if I can use an image for free?
In your search results, all free images have a green label with the word “Free”. Hover over a file preview to see it. You can also get to the Free File collection from the top menu (select “Images” and then “Free Images”). All images there are free.
Are free images copyright free?
Yes, all images and videos offered within Free Files are free to use with attribution. Free stock content is available under the Attributed Free License Agreement, which means you can’t resell or distribute it for free. The allowed number of copies made using free pictures is up to 500,000.
Can I use free images for commercial use?
Yes, you can use our free stock images for commercial, editorial, or personal creative projects, as well as for derivative works.
Where can I download images for free? Where can I find free images?
On Depositphotos, search for free photos and other files using the main search bar, or go directly to the Free Files collection and search there. In the general search results, free photos, vectors, and other files have a special “Free” label.
Advanced searching tools such as Color, Orientation, Date Added, Portraiture, or other search filters are available for all Depositphotos users.
We frequently use our Free Files to give you access to new and trending content. Add any free stock photo, vector image, or video to Favorites and avoid losing them.
How can I use free images and videos I download from Depositphotos?
You can use free stock video and images for commercial and educational purposes, as well as derivative works. Files are allowed to be used for digital and print if there are less than 50,000 copies. It’s prohibited to resell free stock videos and pictures, or distribute them for free.
Examples of permitted use: sites, advertising banners, digital wallpapers, covers, as well as illustrations for books, flyers, and more.
How do you give attribution to an image?
To use free stock images or videos from Depositphotos legally, you need to attribute them. By clicking on any free image, you can find tips on attributing a picture online or offline. For web, video platforms, apps, and games, we provide a unique link you can paste along with your product to attribute a file.
For printed materials, use text attribution that includes mentioning Depositphotos (examples: Image resource: Depositphotos or This article has been designed using images from
Place your free stock footage or image attribution text near the resource, or include it among project credits.
How often are new free images added to the site?
New free stock images are added to the Depositphotos library weekly. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive weekly free file updates.